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Patricia S. Bellac Law Firm is one of northern Colorado’s premier business and employment law firms. For more than 20 years, we have dedicated our practice to helping employees and employers, by ensuring that the local business community is built on a stable legal foundation. We help form and support commercial enterprises, provide guidance for ongoing business management and compliance, and protect employee rights when they have been jeopardized.

If you need experienced guidance in complex business transactions or dispute resolution, we can help. From our office in Boulder, we handle cases throughout northern Colorado. We can address complex issues for employers and employees in a wide range of legal matters:

  • Employment law for employees, including reviewing employment contracts and pension and 401(k) plans, workplace discrimination claims, harassment litigation, employee benefits, and wage and hour law issues
  • Disability benefits, including short-term and long-term disability needs, ERISA claims, and denied claim issues
  • Business and corporate law, including business formation through incorporation or mergers and acquisitions, counsel for entrepreneurs, regulatory compliance, contract drafting and review, contract litigation, and business exit strategies
  • Employment law for employers, including business compliance, employee manuals, personnel policies and handbooks, trade secret and intellectual property protection, and employment-based immigration

An Experienced Litigator Who Can Protect Your Interests

Litigation may be one of the most costly challenges your business will face. The best litigation strategy may well be prevention, which requires advance preparation of effective employment and business operation documents. Patricia S. Bellac Law Firm offers counseling on a wide range of business and employment strategy issues and is effective in creating contracts and other documentation that will minimize the chances of litigation and provide a better chance of a favorable outcome in the event of a dispute.

If you find yourself involved in a lawsuit or business dispute, our firm can advocate for you. Patricia S. Bellac is an experienced and respected Colorado employment and business attorney with decades of experience and a strategic approach to litigation. She handles litigation of disputes in federal and state courts as well as the negotiation of favorable settlements out of court.

Whatever your case needs, we can deliver. Arrange a consultation by contacting us online or calling 303-731-0678. Patricia S. Bellac Law Firm is here to help.